Full-stack Developer. Currently Front-end.

My name is Patrikas and I've always been interested since a young age in Arts and Computers. That led me into delving into software development as a career as I learn many other disciplines like Games Development.
I want to and actively pursue having a holistic understanding of processes not just for development but everything else. It is a big goal in which I have achieved in many aspects.

I have experience in creating websites that functions as a hub of information or as an application. I do this through various technologies that I learnt professionally or within my own time.

Technologies & Examples

Explore some technologies I use, learn and experiment with

Frontend Frameworks

Svelte Angular Lit Flutter

Backend Frameworks

NestJS Django .NET

Programming Languages

TypeScript Python Go Dart Rust
Tailwind CSS Bootstrap Sass


Compeitive League System for a VR Shooter


An alternative client to a social media platform called RDMX

GreenSpark Environmental

Companial Site with a blog system

Invoice Booster

Online software dealing with commercial document generation


Common marketplace managed by an administrator made for known stakeholders